Friday, February 29, 2008

Update 02-29-08

Sorry for the lack of updates for the last few days--been kinda busy with work and other things. If you'd like to see one of these 'other things', go to The song "At the Arcade" was for a weekly competition where a band (or solo act, such as myself) is given a week to write a complete song and record it. Seeing as I have poor recording equipment, a lack of knowledge of proper mixing, and no ability to synthesize drums, the song came out a little rough--but if you want to know what I did this week, you can take a listen.

More stuff on Monday, and Tuesday's "What We Learned" segment will be on NES Mario Games (Mario 1, 2, and 3). If you have any witty sayings or whatnot, let me know.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Back by popular demand, a few more music genre posters.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Update 02-26-08... Update

I received an email in the inbox for from an email address
that previously did not get through. I believe the tinkering I did with the spam control probably led to this. I'll openly say then that the address is back open for suggestions and/or comments.

If you send an email and do not get a response (for something that one would assume a response should be appropriate), feel free to comment on this particular message with your email address, and I will investigate further.

Thanks for your patience

The Sorta-Motivator

Update 02-26-08

Just wanted to give a notice real quick.

It was brought to my attention that the email address has not been receiving ANY emails whatsoever. At first, I had assumed that none were sent, but a few individuals have contacted me to let me know they have tried to send emails. I'm investigating this problem and will post further notice when the email address is verifiably working again.

I apologize about this. Please check back tomorrow, if not later today, for notice of this being fixed, or for an update of status.

What We Learned From Musical Genres

Round 2 of our What We Learned project. This week, we are motivated by what we learn from musical genres. Few things separate high school cliques more than the style of music they listen to. Though it becomes less of a mark of identification as we get older, it still guides our thinking, helping us to form biases and opinions of others simply based on the music they listen to.

Well, let the biasing continue...

What We Learned From Musical Genres

The following posters have been added to this series:


Friday, February 22, 2008

Update 02-22-08

Hi all,

No new posters today--kinda busy. Just wanted to put in a quick word to remind all about the What We Learned segment next Tuesday--Musical Genres. If you have any ideas, send them my way at .

See You all on Monday

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Here's a poster cropped from the movie "Murder By Death".
Peter Sellers plays Sidney Wang (a spoof of Charlie Chan).
The quote on the poster is the line associated with the screenshot


New Mexico


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Special Effects

Last one for the day. Just wanted to briefly mention that next Tuesday, SMP's "What We Learned" topic will be on musical genres. If you have a clever saying or a witty observation about a particular genre of music, send it to me at


What We Learned From Final Fantasy IV

And a happy Tuesday to you all...

Today, we start the new segment "What We Learned", where a collage of motivational posters, all carrying a similar theme, will be posted on here. I like the idea, as they each can be considered separate thoughts, but all spring from the same root source.

The one downside to this idea is that, with some of the ideas that came to mind, the 'joke' is a tad limited in its appeal. For example, though anybody can read the posters and probably get the point, the jokes are very much 'inside' and hold much of their humor value to those who have actually seen, played, or read about the game in detail. The first poster explains this well--Fans of Final Fantasy well know the somewhat-popularity of the "spoony bard" phrase. The poster "Sacrifice" could only be appreciated by those who played the game and had to put up with the ongoing bickering of Palom and Porom.

Other posters, though, really don't have as much of an 'inside' joke as it is just making a witty observation about the screen shot (See Forethought, Masculinity). It's quite possible that even if you played the game through a number of times, nothing more was intended by the poster's message than just a simple one-liner. Therefore, if you get the jokes--awesome. If not, don't sweat it. Perhaps next week I'll have a series that you'll get more.

So then

What We Learned From Final Fantasy IV

Final Fantasy IV is Copywrited and/or Trademarked by Squaresoft, Inc.




Friday, February 15, 2008

Update 02-15

Well, two days down and I've gotten quite comfortable with this idea!

I'm loving the idea of doing these posters. It helps me to reduce my... angst at work when things get a little hectic, and yet they're quick enough to put together that I'm not wasting too much time (just in case my bosses are reading).

Just a few updates, I've got my old deviantART page up and running, so you might wanna check it out. I've got some posters on there I don't have on here, and vice versa... you know, to keep it fresh.

Coming Tuesday, I'm going to start a regular (possibly weekly) segment called "What We Learned". I'll have a series of themed posters based on a certain subject. Tuesday's segment will be entitled "What We Learned From Final Fantasy IV".

Now, granted, out of the 8 or so that I've done for the segment, unless you've played the game, any humor derived from these posters will be superficial. Some of them are funny regardless, but there are a few that you just have to be 'in the know' to get the joke, and so I apologize ahead of time if they won't make sense. Needless to say, I cracked myself up over most of them. I've got one up on deviantART already.

Please send me some feedback and/or ideas that you may have. I'd like to see what becomes of this project




Did this one for my friend, Matt.


Posting my first 'Tribute' Poster. I've done a few of them--just haven't put them up yet. This comic strip is from one of my favorite webcomics:

The situation in the strip struck me as funny because a few years ago, my friend and I were channel surfing and came across PBS who was running this EXACT same special. We fell out laughing.

Real Life Comics is the property of Greg Dean

West Virginia


Thursday, February 14, 2008


Wow, my first day, and already I'm a poster-making machine!

I should give it a rest for now, but i'll leave you with a poster I did yesterday. Check back in tomorrow for more.


The following posters were found online--these are not my property, and being posted on this blog is merely a sharing of the humor. I just wanted to put them up, though, cause they're just so hilarious.


